The Top 6 Water Softener Myths

Tips & Tricks / Article
January 2, 2024

We feel bad for water softeners — their reputation isn’t nearly as great as it should be. And while aren’t sure how water softeners have gotten such a bad rap, we’d like to come to their defense and dispel a few of the most common myths we hear our customers repeat.

Myth 1: Water Softeners Remove Essential Minerals

One prevalent misconception is that water softeners strip water of essential minerals, jeopardizing its nutritional value. The truth is that water softeners primarily target calcium and magnesium ions responsible for water hardness. They do not remove essential minerals like potassium and sodium. If anything, the softened water might taste better due to the absence of the metallic undertones associated with hard water.

Myth 2: Softened Water is Unsafe to Drink

Some believe that water softened through ion exchange might introduce harmful substances. However, the ion exchange process merely replaces hardness minerals with sodium ions, posing no health risks. Softened water is entirely safe for consumption, and many people prefer its improved taste and texture.

Myth 3: Water Softeners Consume Excessive Water

Modern water softeners are designed to be water-efficient, using only a fraction of water compared to older models. Some advanced systems even feature smart regeneration technology, optimizing water usage.

Myth 4: Water Softeners Require High Maintenance

In reality, routine maintenance for most water softeners involves adding salt and periodic checks of the system settings. Regular upkeep ensures optimal performance, but it's not an arduous task.

Myth 5: Softened Water Feels Slippery

A common misconception is that softened water leaves a slippery feeling on the skin. This sensation is in reality attributed to the reduced formation of soap scum. Softened water allows soap to lather more efficiently, leading to a smoother feel during rinsing. The water itself does not create the slippery sensation; it's the positive side effect of reduced mineral buildup. You will retain your natural oils and minerals that are actually cleaner and healthier for your skin. The feeling after a hard water shower or bath is actually dry, brittle skin, not the feeling of natural cleanliness.

Myth 6: Water Softeners are Harmful to Plants

The thinking goes that water softeners either remove minerals helpful to your outdoor plants, or that the plants are somehow adversely affected by soft water. The easiest way to refute this myth? Think of rainwater, which has been the water source for plants way before irrigation systems ever existed. Rainwater is the softest water possible, so why would soft water suddenly be harmful?